Khaled Guesmi

this is my personal picture
I'm a Software engineer and Unity developer graduated from the Private High School of Engineering and Technology in Tunisia ESPRIT.
I'm Well versed in Unity3D Engine , Blender , C# , Mobile Apps Development Android (Kotlin , Java), C++ , Python
Find more about me @Khaled_Guesmi

Dynamic dungeon generator

2D RogueLike Game with Unity Engine

This project was realized using Unity Engine as main software for creating this Tool/Game. Also used many other softwares and websites Like GIMP for the design and tiles , Blender for animation , Unity Assets store for assets.

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Objectif & Story

Why this project was made and what's the final goal

This project started from the fact that I was a big fan of rogueLike games like the mobile game Shattered Pixel Dungeon. Then I started conceptions for my game , created a GDD for this game (Game Design Document) that helped me to further solidify the objectives for the game.
What was wrong?!
I started placing tiles (either by tile pallet tool or by hand) and I really hated it imagine placing more than 100 tile one by one now imagine if they were 100000 tile or even more!!
See the problem here ?!!
So I got this idea to make the map generate itself without me interfering. And here a new world opened its arms for more epic techniques and modules that can be used.