Khaled Guesmi

this is my personal picture
I'm a Software engineer and Unity developer graduated from the Private High School of Engineering and Technology in Tunisia ESPRIT.
I'm Well versed in Unity3D Engine , Blender , C#, Mobile Apps Development Android (Kotlin , Java), C++ , Python
Find more about me @Khaled_Guesmi

Dynamic dungeon generator

2D RogueLike Game with Unity Engine

This is an individual project I made with my own efforts and knowledge
The principale of this project is to create several maps of a dungeon dynamically. Here are some features in this project :

  • Player can shoot a gun, swing a sword or cast magic spell.
  • Flipping Player to face enemies , free hand movement according to mouse movement.
  • Boxes that can drop items when destroyed like : health potions , scrolls or coins
  • Heath potions that regenerate health , scrolls that regenerate stamina , food and water
  • Survival feature : Hunger system , thirst system , stamina , strength etc.
  • Generate dungeon map dynamically , controll the type of the map Cave type , Prison Type (with rooms) , Dungeon Type
  • Can specify the porcentage of the enemy spawning rate and type of enemies .
  • Can specify how many dropped items can be found around the map and what type of items
, health potions , upgrade scrolls and more features are included in this project.
Survival Type Module included in the game as well , the player can lose stamina , get thirsty or hungry. When in critical conditions the player will start losing health etc.

Last Stand

2D Platformer Game with Unity Engine

This is a platformer game where the player is a soldier fighting for his planet who got invaded by space pirates.
This game is more like a project to test out many features:

  • Enemy patrol on a platform , stops on edges and infont of walls.
  • Enemy detection skill that have a radius (we can change from the inspector).
    when the player is out of this radius enemy will start to chace him.
  • Enemy have a stopping distance from player when catching up , making it easy to see the fight and skill usage

Primis eget
imperdiet lorem

Donec eget ex magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque venenatis dolor imperdiet dolor mattis sagittis magna etiam.

April 18, 2017

Ante mattis
interdum dolor

Donec eget ex magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque venenatis dolor imperdiet dolor mattis sagittis magna etiam.

April 14, 2017

Tempus sed
nulla imperdiet

Donec eget ex magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque venenatis dolor imperdiet dolor mattis sagittis magna etiam.

April 11, 2017

Odio magna
sed consectetur

Donec eget ex magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque venenatis dolor imperdiet dolor mattis sagittis magna etiam.

April 7, 2017

Augue lorem
primis vestibulum

Donec eget ex magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque venenatis dolor imperdiet dolor mattis sagittis magna etiam.